Tuesday, January 15, 2013

week TWO

This last week was filled mostly with counting inventory for my Etsy shop over at my parents place. For some reason the week seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was over. Saturday was upon us and we had tickets to the movie Monsters Inc 3D (thanks mom!) that needed to be used. Although we planned on Rich using them for his monthly "daddy-daughter" date, he insisted I take Miss Jane. It was nice to spend some one-on-one with her. We went all out getting ourselves drinks and popcorn and we even had the whole theaters to ourselves. This was a bonus because then we didn't bother anyone with Jane's incessant "why's." Why is he sad? Why is he doing that? What is she being funny?" We also didn't bother anyone with our constant potty breaks. Drinking soda will do that to a little bladder. After the movie was over we chased each other around the theater. Before leaving we made one more potty stop then headed to the Brigham City DI to see if we could score any goodies. What's a mommy-daughter date without some shopping anyway? There were all sorts of things Jane thought were worthy of taking up space in our home, but we got out without most of them. At one point she started carrying around a large plastic kitchen thing. She's apparently very strong. Strong willed that is. Luckily we already have a kitchen so I was able to persuade her to put it back. It was funny.... guess you had to be there.

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